
Done and Done

I've been feeling slightly inundated with information lately..ALL kinds of information. I know some of this could be avoided if I didn't have such an insatiable appetite for the news BUT what i'm getting at is..it dawned on me the other day as I was reading my 549th article on sensible eating (I think this one had something to do with the harmful effects of bromine interacting with the thyroid thus blocking our iodine supply hence causing one to roll over and die) that virtually everything we ingest these days comes with a frightening disclaimer which could lead to..well..sickness or death. yikes, it was even scary writing it. It's especially bothersome now that I am a parent. I am constantly challenging myself to buy local, organic, hormone-free foods for my children, and keep their little bodies clean (but not too clean because even that could compromise their immune system) and expose them to all things beautiful and pure in this world. And just when you think you are doing a pretty darn good job another article comes along warning if don't wash your strawberries properly you could ingest a rare chemical (found mainly in the strawberries from California) and well, become a walking toxic mess. Obviously all of this information is scary, especially when your career choice has become to raise another human being. But at the same time. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I can't let it consume us. And here is why..

Because life is a crap-shot. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. All we can do is be the best version of our self we can be- everyday. Of course knowledge is power but at the same time, so it balance..and over the past few years I have become slightly lopsided with this new "food movement."

SO. I vow to spend more time throwing my kids up in the air and letting them finger paint the refrigerator and less time reading about bromides. In the meantime, I will continue to eat from the earth, speak the truth, laugh with my children and look people in the eye. And always, always, always rinse our fruit!

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